Helpful Career Tips From Movie Quotes

Sometimes, we sit back and watch a movie without really thinking about the potential meaning behind the plot, the conversations or the characters.
However, we can actually learn some really useful things from certain situations depicted in these films and a lot from certain memorable quotes that the characters say.
Here are some helpful career tips from famous quotes, courtesy of Essay Tigers, that we can take away from some of our favourite movies. Enjoy!
1. The Dark Knight 2008
‘If you’re good at something, never do it for free’.
2. Wall Street 1987
‘Money is not the prime commodity in our lives…time is’.
3. The Wolf of Wall Street 2013
‘I want you to deal with your problems by getting rich’.
4. Star Wars 1980
‘Do or do not. There is no try’.
5. The Pursuit of Happiness 2006
‘Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something’.
Read the rest below.

About Casey Fleischmann
Casey Fleischmann is an Account Executive at Link Humans and loves cookies.